The following is a testimony from a New Zealand Merchant, Desmond Conway
Hello Patrick,                                                                                                       18th January 2008
I would like to thank you for saving my life. During the last ten years my weight had increased significantly and my snoring problem was absolutely horrific.
I was suffering with headaches, lack of energy, I was very sleepy all day with bags under my eyes and restless nights which was also causing my wife deep concern for my health and well being. If I caught a plane no one else could sleep my snoring kept everyone awake. Air New Zealand and Cathay Pacific Crowned me King Snorer of the world.
One year ago I searched the internet to try and find a cure I found various operations that could be done but my research showed there was certain risks and no guarantees. then I search for Snoring Cures Hong Kong and I found your website link, although it was in Chinese I found your telephone number and called you.
That is when we met and you truly changed my life, I have to say my snoring is completely cured 100% thanks to the custom made Snore Q device, the added benefit is I have even lost 20 pounds in weight and the eye bags are gone as well and I have the best sleep and are very happy and my energy is restored.
I tell everyone about it and how inexpensive the device is and it really does work I have no doubt Snore Q is a life saving device and wish you great success.
God Bless you and thank you.
Desmond Conway
Randy came from Montana, USA. For more than 20 years he was troubled by the problem of his snoring and OSA.His snoring not only disturbed the sleep of his wife, but also disturbed those who were nearby. Randy recalled that once on a business trip the person in the next room knocked on the wall to complain about his snoring in the middle of the night. Randy also recalled that many times while sleeping on the plane, the passengers behind would push the back of his seat to wake him up to stop him from snoring. Randy had tried CPAP and even surgical interventions but without much improvement
Problem solved
During a business trip to HK in September 2005, Randy was recommended by his friend to seek help from our Centre. His problem was resolved with the use of the Oral appliance"snore Q"the Centre provided. After returning to US, Randy made a video clip to share his experience. Randy hopes through the sharing of his experience, others may come to learn of more options to tackle the problems of snoring and OSA.
Mr. Lok (Hong Kong Civil Servant)
At the beginning of year 2004, Mr. Lok frequently experienced loud snores while he was asleep and often felt fatigue during the day, which resulted in putting him in an exhausted condition at work and caused a disturbance to his family at night. At the end of the year, he took a sleeping test at Our lady of maryknol Hospital, and he was diagnosed with a severe OSA. As a result, he needed to use the CPAP machine when he was asleep, or else it may lead to suffocation, and ultimately death. After using the CPAP machine, there was a Significant improvement in his condition. However, the use of this machine may bring inconvenience to the user. For example, when the user needs to stay over night for business trips, he will have to bring along the machine and other accessories such as the power source and supply.
Until December 2005, Mr. Lok participated in a security job for the WTO meeting held in Hong Kong. During that time, he was required to be on guard for a long period of time and it was impossible for him to use the CPAP machine on break. To resolve this problem, Mr. Lok came to our centre and customized a "Snore Q device" for use during his job rotations. Due to the convenience and favorable results of the "Snore Q device"continued using it. To prove the effectiveness of the product, he requested to take another sleeping test with the use of the Snore Q at the same hospital in February 2006, and the results are illustrated as follow:
  Sleeping report-before After use Snore Q
Apneas / hypopnoes per night 2,632 16
RDI 56 0.9
SPO2 84% 94-95%
Respiratory Disturbance Index -RDI
Mild Moderate Severe
5-15 15-30 30 or above
Details provided by Mr. Lok
For many years, this middle-aged businessman was having difficulty in breathing when in supine position.As a result, he could only sleep on his sides. He was not only troubled by his own snoring, but also experienced sleepiness during the day. He was feeling fatigue and needed to bite his own tongue to keep himself awake when driving on the high way. He was anxious about his own condition and thought that 'sleeping' was a nightmare.
Problem solved
After using the Oral appliance “snore Q” provided by the Centre, his sleeping was greatly improved.There was no more snoring. He was satisfied with his sleep quality and no longer experienced sleepiness when driving home after work.
This businessman’s snoring disturbed his wife so much so that she had to move to another room to sleep.
Whenever he was on a traveling trip, he had to sleep in a single room.
Problem solved
After using the Oral appliance “snore Q” provided by the Centre, his snoring was reduced by 80%. His wife no longer needed to sleep to another room. Feeling healthier and sleeping better, he presented a plaque to our Center to thank us.
A slim looking young lady had symptoms of poor memory, sleepiness and fatigue during the day. These symptoms were associated with her anatomical structure of the lower jaw. She was also diagnosed to have Severe level of “OSA” after a proper clinical sleep test.
Problem solved
With the Oral appliance “snore Q” provided by us, she reported improved general self-perceived health and free of snoring in the night.
Four months later, she received another sleep test from the same hospital and was found to have normal breathing when she was asleep.
  Sleeping report-before After use Snore Q
RDI 61.3 3.4
SPO2 81% 95%
Respiratory Disturbance Index -RDI
Mild Moderate Severe
5-15 15-30 30 or above
Due to his familial congenital heredity, this young man and his mother both suffered from a severe snoring problem. Their sleeping test results proved that they have severe OSA but they were not undergoing any treatments in mainland. This condition not only affects his performance at work, it also affects his regular activities such as his social interaction on his daily basis. Afterwards he self-toured to Hong Kong and visited our centre to customize a mouth guard for use.
After using the Snore Q mouth guard
His snoring noise has significantly reduced and his daily consciousness level is restored back to normal. This effective result has encouraged him to promote the product to all friends and family through the network and in a few months, his mother also came to our centre to customize a mouth guard and resulted in the same successful outcome.
A young man was having moderate OSA. His wife was greatly disturbed by his symptoms over a long period of time. He tried CPAP but found it to be difficult to use. Finally, he gave up CPAP. One night, this young man was drunk when he went to bed. During the stage of deep sleep, he felt that he could not breathe (alcohol not only causes the muscles to relax and block up the air passage, it also retards the triggering response of the central breathing mechanism in the brain). As he struggled to wake up from his sleep, he expressed that the feeling of being not able to breathe was horrifying.
Problem solved
With the Oral appliance “snore Q” provided by us, his snoring immediately disappeared. With the improved quality of sleep, his general well-being was also improved. He expressed his appreciation to us by presenting a plaque to our Centre.